Garden Of Angel’s On Schedule To Open Dec 2014

Garden Of Angels2We are happy to have been able to take advantage of the beautiful weather and moving quickly toward the completion of our newest section for infants. it is never easy to loose a loved one, and when that loved one is just a young child or infant it hurts so much more. With that in mind, we are working to create a lovely new section specifically for infants in New Park Cemetery.

Garden Of Angels1 The new garden has been plotted for the mapping of each available grave site. Additionally the new 8ft high fencing is being installed as well. Each grave will be sized at 2ft x 4ft-6in. and will be priced at $350.00 which includes the cost of the right of interment, the opening and closing service as well as the forever upkeep of the grave site. All graves in this new section are allowed to have a Flat style granite marker that must be sized 20″ x 10″ x 4″.  The new garden will consist of over 800 grave sites.