If you are a holder of pre-need plans you may find that some procedures have changed in getting the full benefits of those plans. Back in the early 1970’s the company that operated New Park Cemetery sold a before-need plan that also may have included an additional contract for Pre-Need Funeral Services. If your account includes one of these contracts, here are the steps you need to take.
First, you need to verify what company your policy was purchased through. If the company name listed at the top of your original pre-need contract reads TENNESSEE CEMETERIES, INC or TENNESSEE CEMETERIES, INC AFFILIATED WITH WESTMINSTER CORPORATION and your policy has a contract which involves the description of (Application For Sale Of Complete Pre-Need Funeral Services) then you need to contact Forest Hill Cemeteries office at (901) 382-1000. They can verify the status of your funeral contracts and assist you with receiving your benefits.
Second, If your contact reads NEW PARK CEMETERY, INC. then you should contact our office at (901) 785-7150 during business hours to verify if that policy is paid in full and the correct procedures to use at the time of death.
*Special Note – This information is for the Pre-Need Funeral section only. New Park Cemetery will still be servicing the cemetery portion of your contract.
If at this time you need the immediate assistance of a funeral home and your contract falls under the heading New Park Cemetery, Inc.,then you should call one of the funeral homes listed below and inform them of the policy you have. Please note that they will NOT be able to verify the status of your policy. If it is NOT paid in full, then the funeral home is under No Obligation to provide said pre-need funeral service at the original contracted price.
If you use a funeral home other than those listed below to service our pre-need funeal contract then the only obligation of New Park Cemetery, Inc per the terms of the agreement is to pay only the proceeds held in trust which may be substantially less than the actual cost charged by the funeral home you have selected.
For servicing pre-paid in full- New Park Cemetery, Inc. Funeral Agreements
Effective 1-1-2017
Joe Ford Funeral Home (901) 345-6075
1616 Winchester Rd., – Memphis, TN. 38116